With this scene, I wanted to really capture the mood and feel from Last of Us Part II. I've always been a big fan of Last of Us world and I wanted to bring that to life. One big inspiration was this concept by Vin Hill https://www.artstation.com/artwork/dx3wW. https://www.artstation.com/vinhillart
I want to give a big thank you to my mentor Jobye Karmaker for all the help and guidance on this project I was a bit lost with my project and he helped put me on the right track. I also want to give a big thanks to Beyond Extent, DiNusty, and EXP discords for all the feedback received along the way because every bit helped.
The foliage was done using Megascans and I then took that into Substance Designer to tweak it to my preference. The sky background was the Ultra Dynamic Sky from the Unreal Marketplace.