Last of Us Fan Art - "Broken"
Detail Lighting

Detail Lighting

Trimsheet used for the wall wood planks, window, and wall plaster.

Trimsheet used for the wall wood planks, window, and wall plaster.

Progress over time

Progress over time

Last of Us Fan Art - "Broken"

With this scene, I wanted to really capture the mood and feel from Last of Us Part II. I've always been a big fan of Last of Us world and I wanted to bring that to life. One big inspiration was this concept by Vin Hill

I want to give a big thank you to my mentor Jobye Karmaker for all the help and guidance on this project I was a bit lost with my project and he helped put me on the right track. I also want to give a big thanks to Beyond Extent, DiNusty, and EXP discords for all the feedback received along the way because every bit helped.

The foliage was done using Megascans and I then took that into Substance Designer to tweak it to my preference. The sky background was the Ultra Dynamic Sky from the Unreal Marketplace.

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